Category Archives: news

Dear All,

As you may or may not have heard, our class puppet, space snail, is turning 380 on Friday and we’re organising a surprise party for her. It would be much appreciated if you could make a small contribution to the festivities by providing us with some food/drinks. I’ve put up a list on the back door to the classroom so that you can let us know if there’s anything you could bring on Friday.

Thank you!




This is a brilliant picture of a under the sea scene. The artist is most talented and is going to have a great artistic future. She may be in reception but this piece of art looks like it was made by a year three.

This is a picture of a dog with 6 prints the child thought about how many spots he would have if he added one more and he very quickly worked out that he would have seven,



Here is a picture of the vet looking after one of his poorly patients .


Oh I don’t like that pesky rat!
Isn’t this a good picture about that pesky rat . RHP have been learning about this story , they have also been doing a lot of writing. Have a look!





We were very lucky to have a visit from Rufus’s Mum and pet dog, Kid, today. We learnt that he loves to chase cats, roll in the grass and sleep! He also likes to tickle Rufus. He is 13 years old. He was very friendly and wagged his tail a lot while we stroked him and asked questions.








What a great week we’ve had. We have looked at one another’s holiday photos and then checked on a map to see how far we travelled to our destinations. We’ve talked about different languages and food in other countries and, to top it all off, we took a small trip to Rome aboard Rosendale airlines. We were so happy with the passengers on board the plane, who were very responsible and made sure that their seat belts were fastened and their baggage was safely stowed in in the overhead lockers. Once in Rome, we set to work making pizza and bruschetta. Mmmmmm!

We’ve also been practising our counting. We’ve done some great work with our shoulder partners this week – drawing some dots on whiteboards and getting our partner to count them. It was lovely to see partners working so well together and helping each other. Counting claps and clicks has also been fun and we’ve enjoyed making up rhythms for our friends to copy and then counting the beats.

Arriverderci and we look forward to seeing you next week when we will be learning about pets. If you have a pet which you would like to bring in to show us, please email your teacher as it would be great to have a different pet to show the children each day.

Have a great weekend,

The Reception Team

Today some children made bruschetta on their trip to Roma. It was multo bene and all the children ate every last bit. The rest of the children will have a go on tomorrow.






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Check out this rare interview with Mr. Wolf, who gave Miss. Hassett five minutes  of his time this afternoon. Maybe he’s not so bad after all…?

Another brilliant week in Reception! We read the 3 Little Pigs and had some important work to do to save other animals from the Big Bad Wolf! Lots of children created ‘wanted’ posters so that we could catch the wolf and others created houses for animals to live in.

In maths, we were 2d shape detectives and we can now recognise and describe a square, circle, triangle and circle. We spotted them all over the school and even created house pictures made from 2d shapes.

Our sounds this week have been i (itchy insects), m (my favourite meal), n (nanna’s nearly ninety) and d (dad’s on the drum) so keep practising these at home. The key words that we have learnt so far are I, a, me, and, in, it, is, at.

Next week we are off on an adventure, thinking about places we have been. On Wednesday we will be jet setting off to a mystery location which begins promptly at 9.10am so arrive at school at 8.45am. More information to follow on Tuesday but here’s a clue…pack your suitcases and get your passports ready!

Could you please bring in/email a photograph of you on holiday (and write on the back where it is). We would love to look at these on Monday so please bring them in asap.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Hello Everyone,

I’ve really enjoyed spending our first week together – you are such a lovely class. I know it’s a big change for all of you starting reception but I’ve been very impressed with how kind you’ve been to one another and how well you’ve settled in. Here are some photos of what we’ve been getting up to so far. You’ve explored the book corner, made crazy sandwiches in the home corner, done some beautiful art work and seen an author called Chitra read some of her stories. Can you remember the names of any of your new friends?

Sorry if your photo isn’t up this week – I’ll do another post very soon.

I can’t wait to see you all next week!

Miss Pope

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