Another brilliant week in Reception! We read the 3 Little Pigs and had some important work to do to save other animals from the Big Bad Wolf! Lots of children created ‘wanted’ posters so that we could catch the wolf and others created houses for animals to live in.

In maths, we were 2d shape detectives and we can now recognise and describe a square, circle, triangle and circle. We spotted them all over the school and even created house pictures made from 2d shapes.

Our sounds this week have been i (itchy insects), m (my favourite meal), n (nanna’s nearly ninety) and d (dad’s on the drum) so keep practising these at home. The key words that we have learnt so far are I, a, me, and, in, it, is, at.

Next week we are off on an adventure, thinking about places we have been. On Wednesday we will be jet setting off to a mystery location which begins promptly at 9.10am so arrive at school at 8.45am. More information to follow on Tuesday but here’s a clue…pack your suitcases and get your passports ready!

Could you please bring in/email a photograph of you on holiday (and write on the back where it is). We would love to look at these on Monday so please bring them in asap.

Have a great weekend everyone.